Biblical Dinners Israel Tour 2024

Jay McCarlDecember 1 – 13, 2024

Join Jay McCarl and Mark Bunger as they explore the Holy Land and visit the major Biblical Sites!

We will visit the major archeological and historical sites in Jerusalem, the Galilee, the Dead Sea and much more!

  • Israel Tour: Dates: December 1 -13, 2024

  • Price with flights from SFO: $5,995

  • Israel & Jordan Tour: Dates December 1-18,2024

  • Price with flights from SFO: $7,490

  • A non-refundable deposit of $300 per person is required for registration.
  • Click here to view and download the Itinerary.
  • Click here to view and download the flight schedule.

Please contact us for further information. You can email us at or call our office - (804)-264-0694

*This tour is physically demandingYou’ll be walking 2-5 miles a day on uneven ground, hilly trails and challenging stairways, including bus travel on winding roads. You should be in good physical condition before we leave. We don’t recommend the tour for people needing wheelchairs, walkers or for young children as most sites lack handicapped access. Please consult your physician before registering if you are pregnant, suffer from back or leg-related ailments, car or air sickness, or any chronic illnesses.


  • Hotels with breakfast & dinner daily
  • Meeting and assistance at the airport in Israel upon arrival and transfers between airport and hotels for passengers flying on group flights
  • English-speaking guide throughout the tour
  • Baggage handling, hotel taxes, & service charges
  • Tips to driver, guide, hotels

Not included:

  • Lunches not mentioned in Itinerary
  • Luggage fees at airport if applicable
  • Travel Insurance
  • Private hotel room
  • Gifts/personal expenses
  • Land Only passengers are not guaranteed airport meeting and assistance, including transfers to & from the airport

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